Friday, February 3, 2012

Thankful Thursdays

 Photo a Day Day 2: Words
I had just enough time to snap this in before having to get ready for the Flyers game.  In the spirit of the month, it being women's heart month and Valentine's Day, I figured Love would be most appropriate for the words photo.

BTW....Friday, Saturday and Sundays will be posted on Sunday most likely since I'll be away until then!

I am so thankful for a lot of things this week.

First off I thankful my Dad cooked dinner for me all week!! :) thanks Dad!

Thankful for my job this week because it foots my expensive Flyers season ticket bill that is allowing me to go to the game tonight.

I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday and I get to spend the weekend away in the mountains with my friends!  I will be thankful for the helmet I am renting this year after the concussion I got last year snowboarding.

I am thankful for my good health that got me through my workouts this week!

I am also thankful for my awesome Rachel Ray purchase from QVC coming in the mail today!! I get super excited for my purchases for my future house.  I got a great deal last week at Ross.  My friends and I have been drooling over the Rachel Ray bubble and brown dishes and they usually run about $50.  I found the large dish, in purple (the color I wanted) for $25! Then, like two nights later, QVC had Rachel Ray on with her specials.  I bought about a $115 8 piece set for $50 some dollars.  Plus I bought a turkey dish to cook some thanksgiving dinners for half price.  I love buying kitchen stuff because I can't cook, but it makes me want to learn and start experimenting.

Fun question time:

Favorite sports player?
Danny Briere!

What can most people do that you cannot?
 Whistle....although I have been working on it and I can somewhat whistle but not very well.

Pirates or ninjas?
tough questions.....pirates usually find treasures so I'll go with pirates.

Pet Peeve?
When someone has the windshield wipers on too high or on with no rain.  Can't stand that annoying noise the wipers make!